About EIM
Our Vision
To be the premier provider of insurance and risk management services to utilities and the energy services industry.
Our Mission
To provide members with a financially sound organization offering a secure, stable source of superior long-term insurance and risk financing products and services.
Core Values
Member Focus - Integrity - Quality - Innovation
Diversity and Inclusion
EIM respects the individuality of its employees. We believe that the different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives each employee brings to our company helps us enrich and improve the services we provide our Member companies. We are committed to supporting and sustaining a culture of inclusion in a work environment of mutual respect—one where all colleagues have an opportunity to contribute, develop professionally and personally, and succeed.
Company Profile
Energy Insurance Mutual is a mutually owned excess liability insurance carrier. Membership is available to utilities along with members of the energy services industry that meet the underwriting standards established by the company. EIM provides excess liability coverages to more than 160 companies in the United States and throughout the world. Coverage is purchased on a direct basis or through Member Brokers.

Since 1986
The story of EIM begins in the spring of 1985 when very little, if any, affordable EGL and EDO coverages were available from commercial markets. Representatives of 67 electric utilities came together in Chicago on June 25, 1985, to discuss a situation that was becoming a crisis. The meeting ended with a vote to do a feasibility study.
A committee was formed with representatives from the utilities and selected consultants. Their first meeting was in September 1985 in Toronto. By April 1986, the committee was recommending the formation of a mutually owned excess insurance company, one that would serve gas utilities as well as electrics. From April to June, Energy Insurance Mutual was organized with six directors elected and a management staff put in place.
The Company was incorporated under the Companies Act of Barbados on June 13, 1986 and began its operations on July 1, 1986 from Bridgetown, Barbados, where it remains domiciled. EIM issued its first policies to 17 founding Member Insureds on the 1st day of July and today all remain EIM Members. EIM received its license to conduct business in the State of Florida on June 9, 1988, at which time the Tampa office became fully operational.
Energy Captive Management, LLC (ECM), a wholly-owned insurance management services subsidiary of Energy Insurance Mutual Limited (EIM), was formed on January 1, 2015 to provide administrative support to Energy Insurance Services, Inc. (EIS) Mutual Business Program (MBP) participants. ECM provides a broad range of services to EIS and its MBPs.
Energy Insurance Services, Inc. (EIS), a wholly-owned stock insurance subsidiary of Energy Insurance Mutual Limited (EIM), was formed to provide a facility that would meet EIM Member's specific and dynamic business requirements for the placement and management of alternative risk related products.